In the aftermath of the devastating Christmas eve attacks that claimed over 150 lives in Plateau State, Governor Caleb Mutfwang declared seven days of mourning, starting on January 1, 2024. The governor made this announcement during his New Year statewide broadcast to the people, expressing deep sorrow over the recent spate of violence in the state.
Governor Mutfwang acknowledged the somber end to the year 2023, highlighting the significant loss of lives in both the April-June period and the recent Christmas attacks. He described the coordinated and premeditated assaults on various villages as acts of criminality, insurgency, and terrorism, emphasizing the need to address them accordingly to halt the wanton destruction.
The attacks on December 24, 2023, targeted communities in Barkin Ladi, Mangu, and Bokkos areas, leaving houses burnt and residents shot. The Chairman of Community Peace Observers in the Bokkos Local Government Area reported that over 150 people lost their lives, with more than 10,000 seeking refuge in various places in Bokkos town alone.
Governor Mutfwang expressed deep condolences to the affected communities and families, pledging relentless collaboration with the Federal Government to bring an end to the tragedies and provide support to those affected.
“As a mark of honour for the memory of the deceased, I wish to declare a week of mourning from January 1 to January 8, 2024. During this period of mourning, flags will fly at half-mast,” the governor announced.
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He urged citizens to utilize these mourning days for intense prayers, seeking divine intervention against the perpetrators of violence. The governor requested Muslim and Christian clerics to dedicate specific days for special prayers, fostering unity and peace on the Plateau.
Despite the challenging circumstances, Governor Mutfwang expressed confidence in the resilience of the people, believing that 2024 would unveil their inner strength to overcome tribulations and restore lasting peace to Plateau State.